Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Second Walk on the PCT and Beyond

There are many treasures of my life, that I recognise were key moments. One was hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in 2006. That trip took 2000 miles of the trail and gave me one of the greatest experience that this soul has encountered. Yet there were many unanswered question and untracked miles that to this day still set in the back of my mind.

The reality, is that once a person has taken such a pilgrimage. It stays with them for a very long time. And soon the begin to look to the horizon for the next great pilgrimage. After trying to place myself into a box of a life style after having my eye open by what the trail taught me, I have found that revisiting that trail can only teach the next movement of thought to my soul.

This time I will begin with another kindered soul, yet the nature of the woods is my true guide. I am looking for new experience and old friends in the groves that I will walk through. And somewhere though it all, a glimps at the truth that I have been searching for all this time. I know it will not teach me everything, but it will begin a way of life for me. One that has been long overdue...

This trail will begin a journey that I don't know it's end, at this point it points towards New Zealand, Colorado, Thailand, Vietnam and Nepal. Only the Gods know which course it really should take. But with every turn brings discovery, from within, and from without. In the end, it is the best anyone can hope for in a life-time...

To those that read these pages after this. I welcome you to follow a journey, one that I will hope to write to from time to time. For life is a series of "Mountains and Rivers Without End." Different and personal to each, yet the telling of the tale to each other part of what makes us all human. For me a great walk is the closest I can come to understanding it all....

So I shall walk...

-- Ridgewalker